How Much Do You Know About Menopause?
Test your knowledge of menopause by taking this quiz.
1. At about what age does menopause typically begin?
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Menopause often occurs sometime between age 45 and 55, but the average age is 51. Menopause means the permanent end of menstruation.
2. A person is considered to be in menopause after they have missed how many menstrual cycles?
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Menopause begins at that point when you have had your last menstrual cycle. You won't know if you have had your last period until you have been period-free for 1 year.
3. What factors can cause premature menopause?
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If you smoke, you may go through menopause about 1-1/2 years earlier than someone who does not smoke.
4. Hot flashes are symptoms of the perimenopausal stage. How many perimenopausal people have them?
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Hot flashes can occur several times an hour, a few times a day, or once or twice a week. Most people have hot flashes for about 1 year. Some may have them for 2 to 5 years.
5. A blood test can help confirm if you are beginning menopause. The test measures the level of which of these?
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The pituitary gland releases this hormone to stimulate the ovaries to release follicles, or eggs. A blood test that measures the hormone, along with symptoms such as hot flashes and your period ending, confirms perimenopause—the stage just before menopause.
6. What is the most serious negative effect of menopause?
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Bones thin when ovaries stop producing estrogen. Cholesterol levels can rise, which threatens heart health.
7. How much bone loss does a person have in the first 5 years of menopause?
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Talk with your healthcare provider about what you can do to help prevent bone loss.
8. Hormone therapy eases some of the negative effects of menopause. Which of these hormones is used?
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Used for a short time, hormone therapy can help relieve symptoms of menopause. But long-term use raises the risk for breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke.
9. If a person goes through menopause after age 50, how long should they keep using some form of birth control?
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A person who doesn’t want to get pregnant should continue to use birth control for at least a full 12 months after their last period.
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